lunes, 6 de julio de 2009

La permanencia en mi impermanencia

"Todas las cosas condicionadas son impermanentes"

Esas fueron parte de las últimas palabras de Buda antes de.... ¿morir?. La esencia misma de todos sus enseñanzas, -dicen- va implícita en esa frase... La transitoriedad (impermanencia) de las cosas y el desconocimiento a ese principio en el que vivimos la mayoría de los seres humanos.

"Las cosas condicionadas...." ¿quién las condiciona? ¿porque las condiciona?¿choice the work?, ¿choice the life?.

Qué complejo resulta separarse del culto a lo instántaneo, momentáneo, A LA NOVEDAD.....


When people listen to you don't you know it means a lot,
'Cos you've got to work so hard for everything you've got.
Can't rest on your laurels now,
Not when you've got none.
You'll find yourself in a gutter,
Right back where you came from.

Someone told me being in the know is the main thing.
We all need the security that belonging brings.
Can't stand on your own in these times,
Against all the odds,
You all just fall behind like all the other sods.

You slap our backs and pretend you knew about,
All the things that we were gonna do.
What ya gonna do, what ya gonna do,
When it's over?
You're on your own now,
Don't you think that's a shame?
But you're the only one responsible to take the blame.
So what ya gonna do when the novelty has gone?
Yeah, what ya gonna do when the novelty has gone?

You slap our backs,
And pretend you knew about,
All the things we were gonna do.
What ya gonna do, what ya gonna do
When its over?

1 comentario:

cArRuSeL dijo...

andas muy cosmico... pero me agradaa:p